Jemma Hadley-Sharp: Percussionist / Composer

by rob
Categories: Guests and Soloists
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Published on: October 31, 2019
Jemma Sharp

Jemma is an avid events performer with a passion for providing everyone she can with unforgettable musical experiences. From countless performances in care homes and schools with her percussion quartet and orchestral experiences in prestigious venues such as the Royal Albert Hall, to solo recitals and concerto performances in the Slovak Radio Concert Hall, Bratislava and beyond, Jemma is well experienced and equipped to take on any performance.

Whilst studying at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Jemma reached the final of the college’s Concerto Competition in her first term, going on to win the first Ev-entz Solo Percussion Prize the year after. She is also a Live Music Now artist and works in conjunction with young and upcoming composers to create new and exciting repertoire for percussion.

Jemma has played for many weddings, personal events and corporate events and also works as a composer and arranger, with previous clients including O Duo and the Royal Scottish National Orchestra. She is a passionate teacher and tutors pupils as young as four years of age and is always working on new music and workshops for young performers.

Jemma Sharp
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Important Dates

Saturday 12th April 2025. Spring Concert – St Peter’s Church, Newnham.

Saturday  5th July 2025. Summer Concert – St Mary’s Priory Church, Chepstow.

Saturday 13th December 2025. Christmas and Winter Concert – St Peter’s Church, Newnham.

Saturday 4th July 2026. Carmen at St, Mary’s Church Chepstow. Soloists from RWCMD and new libretto by Euan Tait.



Easy Fundraising

Please help support the RFDO by doing all your on-line shopping via Easy Fundraising. Its an easy way to raise money for the orchestra if you shop online for anything from groceries to holidays and it wont cost you a penny more!

To start shopping and raising money, follow this link and search for “Royal Forest of Dean Orchestra”:

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